“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.””
ReGifting the Gospel and Our Lives to Our Community
God's character is a character of sacrificial mercy. He gives openly, graciously, at His own cost for our benefit. As His children, we believe that we are called to reflect our Father's nature by practicing regular, sacrificial mercy. One way we express the mercy of God is through the ReGifting Season.
ReGifting Season
Every twelve months we begin a season of radical generosity that we call the ReGifting Season. During this three month period we give away 100% of the money that our family gives as offerings to our church. Where does the money go?
To members of our community who need financial help.
To local ministries in Clinton who proclaim Christ's mercy through acts of generosity.
To support community activities, such as school supplies for needy families.
To our national and international missionary partners.